School uniform policy is to be implemented by parents and enforced by teachers and staff.  Uniform information is to be supplied by the School office at the time of registration. Students are expected to comply with the uniform in the first week of school.

The uniform policy is for the benefit of the student, the family and the school.

Socks must be worn at all times in all seasons.

Flip flops or sandals are not to be worn to school.

Nail polish is not permitted in school.

We expect standard haircuts with NO half shaves or half shaven designs. A student may sent home or/and parents will be contacted.

Girls/Uniform Grades LKG &UKG
Violet long blazer
Violet blue pants
Violet hijab (one or two pieces hijab).
It is highly recommended that girls wear hijabs with no pins for safety reasons.
It is the responsibility of the teachers to follow and enforce the dress code and uniform.  

Consequences for not wearing the uniform
Three warnings will be given for not wearing the proper uniform per term are allowed for each student. The fourth time, they have to be sent home and every other single time after that. If parents refuse to pick up the student for any reason, they are not allowed to attend classes or be in the classroom. 

Each warning will be posted to parents' web and an email will be sent after the final warning advising the parent that their child will not be allowed in the classroom if they violated uniform dress code next time.